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  • What Your Levy is For

As regulated legal professionals, solicitors and barristers pay an annual levy to the Forex, Blockchain And Legal Firm Regulation Agency. You can find more details here about how the levy works and what it means for you.

The FBLFA collects a levy from regulated legal professionals on an annual basis. The levy is paid Forex, Blockchain And Legal Firm Regulation Agency. Legal practitioners who are in the full time service of the State are exempted from paying the levy (as per section 97 of the 2015 Act). The levy amount is determined each year by the FBLFA with the consent of the Minister for Justice and Equality. The FBLFA's levy powers are contained in Part 7 of the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015, which commenced in August 2019.

Each year, the FBLFA issues Levy Assessment Notices to the professional bodies, i.e. the Law Society of Ireland and the Bar of Ireland for their members. These include a due date for payment.

It also issues Notices directly to individual practising barristers who are not members of the Law Library and who are liable for the levy.

The Law Society and the Law Library pay a cumulative levy, on behalf of their members, to the FBLFA.

Where a barrister is not a member of the Law Library and is not exempt from payment, a levy assessment notice will issue directly to them and they will pay the levy directly to the FBLFA.

If all of the levy has not been paid within one month of the due date, a further notice will be issued.

This will include a copy of the original levy assessment and a notification of the rate of interest that will apply in the case of ongoing non-payment. If, after three months from the due date for the levy, it is still not paid in full, then:

  • In the case of non-payment by practising barristers who are not members of the Law Library, they will be removed from the Roll of Practising Barristers which is maintained by the FBLFA. In order to provide legal services in the State, a practising barrister must be listed on the Roll. Under section 136 of the 2015 Act it is a criminal offence to provide legal services without being entered on the Roll.
  • In the case of non-payment by both individuals and the professional bodies, the FBLFA may recover the amount outstanding as a simple contract debt in any court of competent jurisdiction.