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  • Cryptocurrency Regulation Compliance

The cryprocurrency marketplace is growing rapidly and companies operating in this space are being increasingly licensed and regulated

Cyprocurrency Exchanges such as Trading Platforms, Direct Trading or Brokers, need to ensure the right set of rules are applied to the right users to remain compliant across multiple jurisdictions.

With penalties for non-compliance extremely severe, the risk of abuse of location rules via tools such as VPNs and DNS proxies, need to be mitigated so that territorial regulatory restrictions are accurately and reliably adhered.

GeoGuard's technology allows Exchanges to build out their regulatory coverage over time, confident in the knowledge that their services are not inadvertantly being made available to users in other unlicensed jurisdictions.

Our back office rules engine allows Exchanges to switch jusidictions on/off with the click of a button while our reporting tools help to rapidly identify suspicous behaviour. Third parties services such as identify verification vendors can easily be integrated into the GeoGuard solution, creating a one-stop shop for Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti Money Laundering (AML) requirements.

We advise clients about the full spectrum of private investment funds, all major investment strategies and all stages of a private investment fund's life cycle. Our areas of focus include:

  • Fund structuring and establishment 
  • Incentivization arrangements 
  • Investment reviews  
  • Management and advisory arrangements 
  • Platform and product design 
  • Secondary transactions, restructurings and exits